
5525: Fixil

Fixil (497x340, 216.6KB)
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Fixil: Miniatures again.

5512: cntrct jahny

cntrct jahny (800x480, 218.0KB)
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Ninjihaku: The plenair one:

And the Tails one:

Now it supports link sharing :)

5520: tagme

tagme (800x480, 233.9KB)

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5518: cntrct dako sakuramoto

cntrct dako sakuramoto (800x480, 115.6KB)

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ki: Collars, huh. I wish I had one, but not a leash.

5519: cntrct collage

cntrct collage (1462x796, 1.2MB)
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question: o jeez
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blarg777: quick someone, these girls need an adult!

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ki: But do they need an adult inside them?

5511: aleidis lysargente obs

aleidis lysargente obs (800x480, 165.7KB)

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ki: lewd dickmonster

5514: cntrct jahny ninjihaku

cntrct jahny ninjihaku (800x480, 148.8KB)
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Ninjihaku: N-Not to my thiefs! ;;__;;

5510: HarduDickuKun HereBeDragons fail question williambillson

HarduDickuKun HereBeDragons fail question williambillson (800x480, 285.5KB)
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fail: For a narrow-minded cunt :)

5501: tagme

tagme (800x480, 108.0KB)

showing 10 of 74 comments

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Zed: you want to fucking go there with opinions, well you think the shit i do could be done by a kid, that's your opinion, stop giving me shit for no fucking reason, that time with brackets, you know what fucking happened dont give me that shit, i only took up the board after you added your bullshit on what i draw, was totally happy drawing in a corner not talking to any cunt but you had to add your retarded opinion, if brackets doesn't like what i do i'm sure he'll tell me, stop fucking jumping to every chance to mute someone just because they don't draw your fucking preference, like kiddie porn modship doesn't make you a fucking god, doesn't mean i'm gonna treat you any different, acting as if i should fucking tremble every time you talk shit man go fuck yourself, you're a nobody
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nah man i'm sorry i'm totally wrong i'm the cunt here you're right man fuck i'm total cancer.
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Zed: mr oh im fukken so right all the time, mr oh i told him politely not to do it pls dont blaem me i jus wan draw loli
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Ninjihaku: Zed confirmed to be a second account of fail. Also I repeat myself, I am clearly not the one starting with the insults. Oh, what the hell? I don't need to repeat myself again.

Take an example on the three other users that replied to my very first comment and learn from them. See how polite their replies are? That's how normal persons talk to each other. Unlike you. You are not normal.

Whatever, I'm paying way too much attention for two shitty users that do nothing but argue, insult others that have a different oppinion and on top of that, can't even draw.

You know what? Enough is enough. For now on, this is my reply to any of your following comments: "ts;dr, back to you".

ts stands for "too shitty", dr for "didn't read". And "back to you" means "I don't care, right back at you". Because I'm tired of this and this conversation goes on... and on... and on... man, who gives a shit anymore about any of you anyway? Just go wherever troll cave you came from and leave us alone.
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fail: No, Ninjihaku. It is fact.

It is fact you(as well penile and cntrct) are disrespectful to users who dot draw to your standards.

It is fact you sham them.

It is fact you are arrogant, narrow-minded, and ultimately a cunt. For you demonstrate these qualities, and you do not own up to them.
This isn't opinion, this is truth. You can not see it, for you are stuck up.

Email me, so we can cease using shimmie.

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Ninjihaku: And one last thing...

You might not be able to draw. But there is a difference between people that can't draw, and tries, and people that can't, and shit all over because they think it's fun. And you both belong to the second category.

cntrct and I agree and respect the first. Not the second. Because the second is a borderline. It takes space, it looks like shit, and we don't like it. We still don't ban it, but an opinion is an opinion, and man... you better learn to respect other's opinions. You must.

I told you Zed. You'll never draw better than a 13 years old. Because you never tried. ts;dr, right back at you. Good bye.
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fail: Lmao, this is why you're hypocritical, narrow-minded, disrespectful and a cunt.

You need to leave.

You're shamming a user for drawing differently.

Such an asshole
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fail: It's the same as loli and any other means of art, that can be said to you and cntrct.

But it doesn't because unlike you, there are users who are tolerant and accepting, and do not sham you for that.

Get your head out of your ass.
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fail: lmao...did you see what I did with it ??

Like I said before, you're narrow-minded, and have horrible judgmental skill.

5507: blarg777 nim question

blarg777 nim question (800x480, 74.8KB)
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question: too much
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Ninjihaku: loli overload
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