
5445: luumuke paddles techsupportdog

luumuke paddles techsupportdog (800x480, 176.6KB)

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ki: Today I learnt squid ears and elf ears at the same.

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ki: are*

5444: M8 cleaner ki

M8 cleaner ki (800x480, 138.9KB)

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ki: wwhat? I didn't draw that purple goat, did I? I normally use pencil.
But cute faces, cute noses, gj M8~
and dem lewd bodies

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ki: Enola should draw more bolds. The one on the left reminds me of that.

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King: They both remind me of Final Fantasy tactics

5443: penile

penile (800x480, 36.4KB)

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ki: dat cat pov
This is something not done often enough.

5436: HereBeDragons M8 dako dick_nigga fail hatman paddles skid_row tech_support_dog zed

HereBeDragons M8 dako dick_nigga fail hatman paddles skid_row tech_support_dog zed (800x480, 248.6KB)

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ki: dat hbd and tsd and pad

5435: angie jahny luumuke nim techsupportdog

angie jahny luumuke nim techsupportdog (800x480, 195.4KB)

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ki: Nice doges, interesting skrillex-hair woman

5433: acespam dick_nigga fail hatman paddles skid_row zed

acespam dick_nigga fail hatman paddles skid_row zed (800x480, 140.0KB)

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ki: gj, padds and fail
The lizard is so nice and bright

5428: nobody

nobody (370x266, 103.0KB)

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ki: it's full of stars!

5417: Princess Yes king naomi zed

Princess Yes king naomi zed (800x480, 173.9KB)

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ki: Nice drawing! Too bad this capture was made after Princess erased his part. :P
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MadFox: I actually had that version, but accidentally saved over it.

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ki: :3
That happens.
I used to save drawings as whiteboard20140317b.png using the letters at the end to save multiples of things.
But now I can't seem to save.

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King: If it save in a weird format just put .png at the end of the file name.

5424: 2012 techsupportdog

2012 techsupportdog (800x480, 134.7KB)
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nim: well done

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attilaWsr: Yassssssssss

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ki: lewd~
More cute than that tho, with the nice face and all

5425: loa nobody rawr schlomo

loa nobody rawr schlomo (800x480, 186.1KB)
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Anonymous1: I love making splatter effects. Sign up to my Patreon if you want more

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ki: o u
also mushrooms and hills, noice
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