
123: banned dragonz troll

banned dragonz troll (801x481, 28.7KB)
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mindshock: noooooooooooooooooo poopkins!

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Dragonz: yay :D

74: brackets dolan tranny_beastman troll zavok

brackets dolan tranny_beastman troll zavok (801x481, 171.7KB)
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Grimybob: whaaaat? you can't load the image? then spak to admin, it works for me atleast
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Nero: no i mean i cant load the client ;-;
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Nero: wait
it works now,,,
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Grimybob: ohhh always check for the newest ver if it doesn't work :3 or it might have been something else?

110: grimybob

grimybob (883x560, 235.1KB)
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Grimybob: lol my shitty old pic, thx fail :p

84: b&-tan fail grimybob mindshock noir

b&-tan fail grimybob mindshock noir (801x481, 60.7KB)
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mindshock: lol i lose connection in the middle of doodling so stuff goes uncolored for me but do miss doing my classy pugs

89: banksy comp mindshock

banksy comp mindshock (801x481, 74.0KB)
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mindshock: very first comp :D

86: anon_8 brackets cakes comp fail grimybob mindshock tom

anon_8 brackets cakes comp fail grimybob mindshock tom (801x481, 79.9KB)
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Grimybob: yes! my cake was too ugly to be with the comp :3
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mindshock: my cake was amazing and classy

99: classic noir

classic noir (1288x1000, 382.9KB)
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rainbowbrite: lovely.

55: beavis chrono chrono_trigger earthworm_jim fail grimybob kai lavos pingas rin_tezuka wat weegee

beavis chrono chrono_trigger earthworm_jim fail grimybob kai lavos pingas rin_tezuka wat weegee (841x506, 304.1KB)
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Grimybob: Do you want to hear it said again?
makes me lol every time :3

93: banksy turtle

banksy turtle (801x481, 252.8KB)
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Grimybob: oh noy, he burnt his arms :3 i really loves his face though :P

98: classic noir

classic noir (801x481, 131.0KB)
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Anonymous1: hehe i Remember this i helped noir color it.
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