
282: fail impact noir that_guy vatisti

fail impact noir that_guy vatisti (801x481, 217.2KB)
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Anonymous1: Noir came back while im gone?
Fthutijgcgjchhfjctjvhfjjjyvhgcj gvhfcjkc

272: longcat minecraft turtle

longcat minecraft turtle (1526x866, 698.1KB)
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Anonymous1: Amazing! ; v ;

251: collage dolan landscape private

collage dolan landscape private (457x1430, 527.5KB)
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Lazagne: Alien ftw

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OneEye: Dolan your art of silent story telling. makes me want to pull my hair out.
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Grimybob: the only thing that is missing is sillier space suits with breathing apparatus on the top of the helmet and that alien periscope thingy :P
otherwise it's fucking brilliant!

216: blazblue brackets grimybob pirate that_guy

blazblue brackets grimybob pirate that_guy (801x481, 109.7KB)

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Banksy: Grimy, you should draw that mayor again! :D
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Grimybob: ehm i cant connect to flockdraw for some reason... and there seems to be no one else complaining... hmmm wat do?

256: brackets nina oneeye wat

brackets nina oneeye wat (801x481, 276.8KB)

- Reply
OneEye: Who looks after sleeping angels? I do...I do..."

254: brackets dolan

brackets dolan (801x481, 401.4KB)
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mindshock: lol look its text and brackets poopkins and my shitty line tool cat

252: brackets furry lazagne

brackets furry lazagne (801x481, 149.3KB)
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Lazagne: Nyan !

246: oneeye

oneeye (798x475, 251.4KB)

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OneEye: I was rely high that day.
i have to ask admin to make this one of those you are banned things.

245: brackets touhou

brackets touhou (801x481, 589.1KB)
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Brackets: wtf, Server error?
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fail: holy mother of glory, this is amazing

236: brackets epicness touhou

brackets epicness touhou (801x481, 766.8KB)

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a8: Nominated for the new server crasher.
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fail: ^this
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