Ninjihaku: Also, I'm terribly sorry for all the ruckus we're causing in this place, honestly. If she did show up on the chat we would discuss it privately, but she doesn't want to. This place is not usually like this but... shit happens when the wrong people appears.
Ninjihaku: Zed, I didn't start with the insults, and anyway, as you would say yourself, "I don't care". You know where I am if you have to tell me anything else, otherwise, right back at you.
fail: Ninjihaku, I hate your loli art, I think it's pornagraphy, I can say a lot of shit. But I do not.
The fact that you do, makes you a hypocrite.
The fact you ignore that, makes you an arrogant cunt.
Ninjihaku: You see, fail, the problem is, you don't know me IRL. So you can't talk about me, IRL. That's called "ignorance", and that's your first mistake. You are an ignorant.
You are saying I'm a "coward". I don't even know where does that come from, specially comming from someone that is completely affraid of comfronting another person, on the internet, in a private conversation. That's right, you still didn't show up on main. So yeah, you are the coward. Not me. I really wish I could talk this with you in a proper place and stop filling this one with this crap, and leave it for the nice stuff.
Third, I'm glad you don't like my drawings. Because I don't want anything you like. But please bear in mind, I don't only draw "loli" or whatever you call it.
Fourth, arrogance is, logging in every 2 hours and throw two or three new comments on shimmie, expecting to be on top of another person just because you dislike my opinion on your stuff. Have in mind that I work in my drawings more hours than what it takes you to draw a "svastica", a "nigger", or scribble on the board.
Fifth, doing the above is also considered "offensive". I have no regrets on what I said about your "art", nor in this post.
Seventh, you're still being disrespectfull and insulting me, even despite the fact I haven't done so to you yet. But as I told you, everything you tell me, right back at you.
Eight, you might regret having voted on my favour as a mod. To tell you the truth, I don't even care being a mod in main. It's not a job, it's something you do while using the board. And I told Admin, that as long as there are no big responsibilities, I didn't mind. And I don't. But if it's for 2 twhirps constantly complaining about "doing this", or "not doing this", then yes. I DO care.
Anyway, back to my point, I DO lament that you are currently a mod, being the kind of person you are. Completely disrespectfull, forcing all this drama, and trolling me to force me to get angry.
Ninth: Ask everyone else if I am really abusing of my mod rights or not. There you will have your answer.
Tenth: I'm not getting the fuck out. You do first for trying to break the whole community with your crap, being completely offensive, and disrespectfull.
This is all the stuff I wanted to tell you privately. There you have it. If you want to read it, good. If not, good either way. Everything else you tell me, right back at you. Everything you think about me, I think the same about you. You want this? You got this. Are you happy now? I hope you're happy. Now you've done it. You've made me angry for real.
fail: Zed, from what I've concluded by Ninjihaku's behavior, he has a variant of PDDNOS or Autism.
No matter what you say, he will not relate, empathizr, or comprehend what you are telling him. Things such as narcissism and fear are forms of withdrawing from reality, for he doesn't know how to grasp it.
Or he's just fucking stupid and arrogant as fuck to compensate his low self-esteem.
So there is no use reasoning with him.
However, I like to spit shit with those I have a beef with, because they keep going and I find it hilarious :D
Anonymous4: I'm paying fail to cause trouble, that way people won't notice how I'm systematically and rapidly destroying Skycow stability with my hacking skills. It's too late for you, I finally know the truth about Admin!
You're trying to see yourself in me. I am not like you. Also, read the wikipedia article about that mental sickness you've linked. You seem more related to them than I do.
fail: I am Hal's sockpuppet working overdrive while I wrangle loli's for Ninjihaku to crudely draw, in order for him to gain arrogance, while at the same time I give him shit for being a hypocritical, arrogant, stuck up, cowardly cunt.
fail: Lol ninji, you're retarded, anything you say is just
loose foul stool.
You have not own up to your faults, to extremes like a typical autist.
You think so highly of yourself
All of that is apparent, but you are denying it and etc.
I am a sockpuppet, blame googleplexoteramillilexilolnonjiissogayandhasasmallpen0r hax0r Hal.
fail: PS do your research in art, process art, free art
PPS actually if you had commmon sense...Wait, pardon seems you don't; if so, you wouldn't be a misjudging, hypocritical, narcissitic and abusive mod.
You're not a quality art specialist, gtfo ~
fail: No, just being an ass like I usually do to people I find wrong and they fail to graap that concept, I end being a dick towards the end, CUZ FUCK EM (:
Ninjihaku: > just being an ass like I usually do to people I find wrong
I find wrong a lot of things people do, and I don't act like an ass to them. That says a lot of you.
Anyway... don't you think this "conversation" is going nowhere? You should probably stop being an ass. You are not going to make me change my point of view about you, Zed, and the things you do, just because you are spamming random insults. I still think you're terrible people, you don't do art, your shimmie is offensive, and it should be deleted. In any case, you've been only worsen the situation with every single message. Please don't reply, I'll do it for you:
"Ninji you're an autistic piece of fuck! You're so retarded and full of yourself, you think you're on top of everyone because you are a moderator? You're an autistic cunt and a hypocrital faggot. Please fuck off!"
There is your reply. See? I don't care. The only thing you are doing is worsen the conflict, and adding fuel to it. And also make you look bad. If you want a word of advise, stop already with this nonsense. Do a favour to yourself.
fail: Also Ninji, you're good man, I get it, you have a difficult time with reading and relating to people and you heavily dislike it when you're called out on your conscious mistakes.
Man, it's so rough living with your inept social conditions huh ?
That's fine, do you man! Continue to draw your crude loli art, go for it man!
But, remember to be fair with your friends, because not everyone likes the same things you do.
Ninjihaku: Because some people think that just by being rude, they are going to be right and above anyone else, when it's as simple as telling things in a polite way.
If instead of insulting me the way she did, she just told me politely like everyone else, I might even apologized. But after all that she said, now I don't want to. That's the difference between saying things the right way, and saying them the wrong way.
fail: Vicious, it always ends like this withn injihaku, because he's quote on quote special and too stubborn to admit how abusive he is towards users, who he deems lesser than he.
Ninjihaku: Ask HAL how many times did I tell him to not do something in the board, and how many times it ended like that. Zero. He's not banned in main, or in my room, or muted anywhere. Why? Because he replies POLITELY, so it ends in nothing. Unlike you.
How many times did I have to mute Zed? Once. Because he was scribbling over the whole board, not letting brackets draw. I told him to not do it, and instead of stopping, he insulted me and started scribbling all over aimlessly. Rules are rules and if you don't let someone draw, I have to moderate. Do you consider that an abuse? I don't. Anyways, I unmuted him as soon as he calm down. With his obvious "I don't care" response after telling him I was unmuting him.
How many times should I have muted you? At least once. The day we had that other discussion, I was drawing, and guess who was the one scribbling on top of my drawing? Miss moderator. And then you started inulting too. That day you sure gave an example on how a moderator should work.
So if I were you I would stop making up lies and drama, because you're definitely the only one to blame here.
Ninjihaku: Yeah, I forgot about Zed already. Maybe because he's less stubborn than you are and he left the conversation long ago. But think about the traits you share with Zed, and there is your answer.
Gayber: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
fail: It bothers me to know that he and others do not recognize their mistreatment, and they will not be tolerant.
I've said all I said, ninji, if you want to continue this, email me at if you want. Ah if that email is too triggering, you can email me at
Ninjihaku: You never stop either, so I don't know what are you talking about. I told you, I don't care and you're not changing my point of view in the matter.
Zed: you fucking started it not me with your "hurr you'll never draw better than a kid" i didnt say shit to you, dont fuckin come here acting like you're all fucking innocent because you're not, you fucking chose this, not me.
Zed: you want to fucking go there with opinions, well you think the shit i do could be done by a kid, that's your opinion, stop giving me shit for no fucking reason, that time with brackets, you know what fucking happened dont give me that shit, i only took up the board after you added your bullshit on what i draw, was totally happy drawing in a corner not talking to any cunt but you had to add your retarded opinion, if brackets doesn't like what i do i'm sure he'll tell me, stop fucking jumping to every chance to mute someone just because they don't draw your fucking preference, like kiddie porn modship doesn't make you a fucking god, doesn't mean i'm gonna treat you any different, acting as if i should fucking tremble every time you talk shit man go fuck yourself, you're a nobody
nah man i'm sorry i'm totally wrong i'm the cunt here you're right man fuck i'm total cancer.
Zed: mr oh im fukken so right all the time, mr oh i told him politely not to do it pls dont blaem me i jus wan draw loli
Ninjihaku: Zed confirmed to be a second account of fail. Also I repeat myself, I am clearly not the one starting with the insults. Oh, what the hell? I don't need to repeat myself again.
Take an example on the three other users that replied to my very first comment and learn from them. See how polite their replies are? That's how normal persons talk to each other. Unlike you. You are not normal.
Whatever, I'm paying way too much attention for two shitty users that do nothing but argue, insult others that have a different oppinion and on top of that, can't even draw.
You know what? Enough is enough. For now on, this is my reply to any of your following comments: "ts;dr, back to you".
ts stands for "too shitty", dr for "didn't read". And "back to you" means "I don't care, right back at you". Because I'm tired of this and this conversation goes on... and on... and on... man, who gives a shit anymore about any of you anyway? Just go wherever troll cave you came from and leave us alone.
It is fact you(as well penile and cntrct) are disrespectful to users who dot draw to your standards.
It is fact you sham them.
It is fact you are arrogant, narrow-minded, and ultimately a cunt. For you demonstrate these qualities, and you do not own up to them.
This isn't opinion, this is truth. You can not see it, for you are stuck up.
Ninjihaku: And one last thing...
You might not be able to draw. But there is a difference between people that can't draw, and tries, and people that can't, and shit all over because they think it's fun. And you both belong to the second category.
cntrct and I agree and respect the first. Not the second. Because the second is a borderline. It takes space, it looks like shit, and we don't like it. We still don't ban it, but an opinion is an opinion, and man... you better learn to respect other's opinions. You must.
I told you Zed. You'll never draw better than a 13 years old. Because you never tried. ts;dr, right back at you. Good bye.
Like holy fuck.
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The fact that you do, makes you a hypocrite.
The fact you ignore that, makes you an arrogant cunt.
get the fuck out
You treat them as a person, being biased makes you look like an asshole.
I love how you do not own up to your shit, like the
irresponsible and cowardly person you most likely exemplify irl.
I have had issues with you before, and they keep reoccurring due to your lack of care, and you the arrogance you feel for being a mod.
You are saying I'm a "coward". I don't even know where does that come from, specially comming from someone that is completely affraid of comfronting another person, on the internet, in a private conversation. That's right, you still didn't show up on main. So yeah, you are the coward. Not me. I really wish I could talk this with you in a proper place and stop filling this one with this crap, and leave it for the nice stuff.
Third, I'm glad you don't like my drawings. Because I don't want anything you like. But please bear in mind, I don't only draw "loli" or whatever you call it.
Fourth, arrogance is, logging in every 2 hours and throw two or three new comments on shimmie, expecting to be on top of another person just because you dislike my opinion on your stuff. Have in mind that I work in my drawings more hours than what it takes you to draw a "svastica", a "nigger", or scribble on the board.
Fifth, doing the above is also considered "offensive". I have no regrets on what I said about your "art", nor in this post.
Seventh, you're still being disrespectfull and insulting me, even despite the fact I haven't done so to you yet. But as I told you, everything you tell me, right back at you.
Eight, you might regret having voted on my favour as a mod. To tell you the truth, I don't even care being a mod in main. It's not a job, it's something you do while using the board. And I told Admin, that as long as there are no big responsibilities, I didn't mind. And I don't. But if it's for 2 twhirps constantly complaining about "doing this", or "not doing this", then yes. I DO care.
Anyway, back to my point, I DO lament that you are currently a mod, being the kind of person you are. Completely disrespectfull, forcing all this drama, and trolling me to force me to get angry.
Ninth: Ask everyone else if I am really abusing of my mod rights or not. There you will have your answer.
Tenth: I'm not getting the fuck out. You do first for trying to break the whole community with your crap, being completely offensive, and disrespectfull.
This is all the stuff I wanted to tell you privately. There you have it. If you want to read it, good. If not, good either way. Everything else you tell me, right back at you. Everything you think about me, I think the same about you. You want this? You got this. Are you happy now? I hope you're happy. Now you've done it. You've made me angry for real.
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Would read
As if you ended the fucking holocaust or some shit man get a grip
No matter what you say, he will not relate, empathizr, or comprehend what you are telling him. Things such as narcissism and fear are forms of withdrawing from reality, for he doesn't know how to grasp it.
Or he's just fucking stupid and arrogant as fuck to compensate his low self-esteem.
So there is no use reasoning with him.
However, I like to spit shit with those I have a beef with, because they keep going and I find it hilarious :D
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You're trying to see yourself in me. I am not like you. Also, read the wikipedia article about that mental sickness you've linked. You seem more related to them than I do.
It's all Hal's fault!
loose foul stool.
You have not own up to your faults, to extremes like a typical autist.
You think so highly of yourself
All of that is apparent, but you are denying it and etc.
I am a sockpuppet, blame googleplexoteramillilexilolnonjiissogayandhasasmallpen0r hax0r Hal.
PPS actually if you had commmon sense...Wait, pardon seems you don't; if so, you wouldn't be a misjudging, hypocritical, narcissitic and abusive mod.
You're not a quality art specialist, gtfo ~
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I find wrong a lot of things people do, and I don't act like an ass to them. That says a lot of you.
Anyway... don't you think this "conversation" is going nowhere? You should probably stop being an ass. You are not going to make me change my point of view about you, Zed, and the things you do, just because you are spamming random insults. I still think you're terrible people, you don't do art, your shimmie is offensive, and it should be deleted. In any case, you've been only worsen the situation with every single message. Please don't reply, I'll do it for you:
"Ninji you're an autistic piece of fuck! You're so retarded and full of yourself, you think you're on top of everyone because you are a moderator? You're an autistic cunt and a hypocrital faggot. Please fuck off!"
There is your reply. See? I don't care. The only thing you are doing is worsen the conflict, and adding fuel to it. And also make you look bad. If you want a word of advise, stop already with this nonsense. Do a favour to yourself.
I think you're being hypocritical and in denial
Got em
Man, it's so rough living with your inept social conditions huh ?
That's fine, do you man! Continue to draw your crude loli art, go for it man!
But, remember to be fair with your friends, because not everyone likes the same things you do.
Have a good day man!
- Reply
If instead of insulting me the way she did, she just told me politely like everyone else, I might even apologized. But after all that she said, now I don't want to. That's the difference between saying things the right way, and saying them the wrong way.
How many times did I have to mute Zed? Once. Because he was scribbling over the whole board, not letting brackets draw. I told him to not do it, and instead of stopping, he insulted me and started scribbling all over aimlessly. Rules are rules and if you don't let someone draw, I have to moderate. Do you consider that an abuse? I don't. Anyways, I unmuted him as soon as he calm down. With his obvious "I don't care" response after telling him I was unmuting him.
How many times should I have muted you? At least once. The day we had that other discussion, I was drawing, and guess who was the one scribbling on top of my drawing? Miss moderator. And then you started inulting too. That day you sure gave an example on how a moderator should work.
So if I were you I would stop making up lies and drama, because you're definitely the only one to blame here.
Since you do not own up to that, I call you arrogant and more.
You can think what you allow yourself to believe, but I know very well how fucked and unfair you have been, due to your narrow-mindedness.
Question, it's this long because Ninji doesn't get it. Never will, and shit will continue to happen because of so.
I've said all I said, ninji, if you want to continue this, email me at if you want. Ah if that email is too triggering, you can email me at
nah man i'm sorry i'm totally wrong i'm the cunt here you're right man fuck i'm total cancer.
Take an example on the three other users that replied to my very first comment and learn from them. See how polite their replies are? That's how normal persons talk to each other. Unlike you. You are not normal.
Whatever, I'm paying way too much attention for two shitty users that do nothing but argue, insult others that have a different oppinion and on top of that, can't even draw.
You know what? Enough is enough. For now on, this is my reply to any of your following comments: "ts;dr, back to you".
ts stands for "too shitty", dr for "didn't read". And "back to you" means "I don't care, right back at you". Because I'm tired of this and this conversation goes on... and on... and on... man, who gives a shit anymore about any of you anyway? Just go wherever troll cave you came from and leave us alone.
It is fact you(as well penile and cntrct) are disrespectful to users who dot draw to your standards.
It is fact you sham them.
It is fact you are arrogant, narrow-minded, and ultimately a cunt. For you demonstrate these qualities, and you do not own up to them.
This isn't opinion, this is truth. You can not see it, for you are stuck up.
Email me, so we can cease using shimmie.
You might not be able to draw. But there is a difference between people that can't draw, and tries, and people that can't, and shit all over because they think it's fun. And you both belong to the second category.
cntrct and I agree and respect the first. Not the second. Because the second is a borderline. It takes space, it looks like shit, and we don't like it. We still don't ban it, but an opinion is an opinion, and man... you better learn to respect other's opinions. You must.
I told you Zed. You'll never draw better than a 13 years old. Because you never tried. ts;dr, right back at you. Good bye.
You need to leave.
You're shamming a user for drawing differently.
Such an asshole
But it doesn't because unlike you, there are users who are tolerant and accepting, and do not sham you for that.
Get your head out of your ass.
Like I said before, you're narrow-minded, and have horrible judgmental skill.