
5255: cntrct dako jahny tomo

cntrct dako jahny tomo (800x480, 190.4KB)
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cntrct: Uploaded a newer version of this, maybe this one can be deleted?

5248: nobody

nobody (800x1208, 178.5KB)
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blarg777: quite epic

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attilaWsr: I love you
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Anonymous1: <3

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nim: really cool
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question: wow

5228: nobody

nobody (613x325, 332.6KB)

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question: nice robocop

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slimster: is this the robot from big trouble in little china?

5247: dako nobody techsupportdog vicious23

dako nobody techsupportdog vicious23 (800x480, 236.2KB)

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ki: greyscale! \o/

5244: angie penile

angie penile (800x480, 192.5KB)

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HarduDickuKun: omg tech~

5185: angie commonuser doodle faggot nobody question

angie commonuser doodle faggot nobody question (800x480, 193.5KB)
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fail: Is that Doodle?

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ki: I wondered about the same thing, but in the end, it probably isn't.
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faggot: yes it is
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fail: Did you draw yourself as well? You're really good, draw mare pls.
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fail: MOAR
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Anonymous1: Who me? I drew them
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Anonymous2: How could you not tell, they are my dank style bro my nizzle brap brap

5242: HarduDickuKun Robo SAZ aleidis attila banksy cleaner cntrct collab dako hal hatman heret honk k19 ki loa lulu mappos nobody q question rawr slimster techsupportdog these_shadows vicious23

HarduDickuKun Robo SAZ aleidis attila banksy cleaner cntrct collab dako hal hatman heret honk k19 ki loa lulu mappos nobody q question rawr slimster techsupportdog these_shadows vicious23 (800x480, 793.8KB)

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HarduDickuKun: and i was like,holly fucking damn !

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ki: This drawing was fun to see being worked on.

5239: nobody techsupportdog

nobody techsupportdog (218x232, 56.4KB)

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bakagaijinmaster: damn hal! always amazing.

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ki: noice

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slimster: canadaaaaaa

5230: cntrct copycat dako dick_nigga luumuke nim vicious23

cntrct copycat dako dick_nigga luumuke nim vicious23 (800x480, 91.2KB)
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cntrct: coloured loli is best loli <3

5224: attila brackets cntrct homer ki nobody

attila brackets cntrct homer ki nobody (800x480, 285.0KB)

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ki: GJ on the pixel art. ♥
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Anonymous1: thx bbe ily2 <333333333
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