
7891: nii-chan

nii-chan (800x480, 68.7KB)

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AceSpam: What is this gay shit

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nii-chan: yo mumma

7848: nii-chan

nii-chan (800x480, 173.7KB)
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HereBeDragons: hey, your pretty good

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nii-chan: lies and blaphemy

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ki: Oohhh, cool!

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AceSpam: ledoucheu

7878: HereBeDragons KITTIEN MadFox Super angryking blarg777 kami rin sw tageme

HereBeDragons KITTIEN MadFox Super angryking blarg777 kami rin sw tageme (800x480, 156.5KB)

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ki: Cute.

7883: HereBeDragons MadFox Princess Super aleidis angryking benis dako jahny kami kikiminimilk kitten kvar pepperytears rin

HereBeDragons MadFox Princess Super aleidis angryking benis dako jahny kami kikiminimilk kitten kvar pepperytears rin (800x480, 532.1KB)
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HereBeDragons: this came out great

6950: Femboy Paradox_Edge that_guy

Femboy Paradox_Edge that_guy (800x480, 226.5KB)

showing 10 of 14 comments

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paradox_edge: I... Didn't request this? I mean. that's a good femboy. A bit big in the chest area, almost looks like tits. But overall pretty good for a femboy 'doxu.
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That_Guy: forgot the name of who requested it but ya not sure how you will sensor is one lol :3
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paradox_edge: Can you fix the fat on his chest, though? It's looking like something that is not a femboy. :l

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EncrustedAnchor: Don't listen to Paradox_Edge, this tard is the alternate account of Theium who will hound artists until they draw his OC 'Doxu. Quite frankly I'm tired of his bullshit and the skilless troll should not be enabled.
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That_Guy: if the drawing makes you feel their is something odd about it that is unnatural, then nothing needs to be changed. it's to make you feel odd in positive and negative ways that creates a wide spectrum of feeling, so I draw in this way. =p
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paradox_edge: Well I mean... Two can play that game? If you're not going to change it I'm not going to accept it? :v

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EncrustedAnchor: Dude, Paradox_edge/Theium, no one cares if you're going to accept it or not. Go be a talentless autistic art parasite somewhere else.
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That_Guy: just edit it your self it's flock draw no one cares
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big_benis: I've seen the face of god...
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Aleidis: requesting a re-draw of this from that_guy, not that you can improve perfection, i just want another take on it, like another mona lisa

7888: Yes jahny kowai luumuke pepperytears username

Yes jahny kowai luumuke pepperytears username (800x480, 221.9KB)

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nim: oh my

7880: 5avvi HereBeDragons KITTIEN Super aleidis angryking gt jahny kami luumuke penile pepperytears petch tagme username

5avvi HereBeDragons KITTIEN Super aleidis angryking gt jahny kami luumuke penile pepperytears petch tagme username (800x480, 813.4KB)
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HereBeDragons: Noice

7879: 5avvi HereBeDragons Super aleidis angryking gt jahny kami noir penile petch username

5avvi HereBeDragons Super aleidis angryking gt jahny kami noir penile petch username (800x480, 690.0KB)
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HereBeDragons: Uploading this because its where I went to bed and I didnt see another version uploaded... so I guess this is back up! Hopefully someone has a more complete version
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JAHNY: I got a later version, not at home right now though
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HereBeDragons: ah good!

7876: HereBeDragons Jan Smithy Super aleidis angryking big_benis genki jahny kami pepperytears question rollercoaster tagme

HereBeDragons Jan Smithy Super aleidis angryking big_benis genki jahny kami pepperytears question rollercoaster tagme (800x480, 242.4KB)
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7862: Honey_Bumblecheese

Honey_Bumblecheese (975x796, 219.4KB)

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nii-chan: EPIC!!!
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