
6493: cntrct leo

cntrct leo (504x297, 146.9KB)

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ki: The flowers changed sides!
Nice drawing though
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cntrct: it's more like a mirrored version tho

6474: aleidis big_benis fail question

aleidis big_benis fail question (800x480, 131.9KB)

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HarduDickuKun: keep banning me for no reason you ignorant cunt
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question: writing insults on someones drawing is a reason.

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HarduDickuKun: watch the time when you banned me smartie

6494: Mashiro Rubi angie angryking cleaner cntrct collab dako grallea jahny logindialog naomi pepperytears powsia question username

Mashiro Rubi angie angryking cleaner cntrct collab dako grallea jahny logindialog naomi pepperytears powsia question username (800x480, 898.8KB)

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ki: Neat.
Also, two cute bears.

6479: Princess

Princess (380x380, 108.5KB)
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big_benis: Very nice, I like the colors!
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Shimmering: Paur ;0

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HarduDickuKun: love the costume Pwincess Sama <3

6492: Rubi Tkelii angryking catbread cntrct jahny question tagme username

Rubi Tkelii angryking catbread cntrct jahny question tagme username (800x480, 283.5KB)

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ki: Nice hair colors.

6491: acespam fail obs observer

acespam fail obs observer (800x480, 73.6KB)
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observer: A great artist once told me "draw something different for once". That artist inspired me with his words and so I did exactly that. I think you'll agree with me when I say "NAILED IT!" 10/10 best loli ever PERIOD. Unfortunately, having drawn the best loli there will ever be, it is now pointless for any further loli drawing. They would all be in the shadow of this masterpiece. I'm going to retire as the greatest loli artist of all time, and hopefully the police will not catch up to me. I apologize to those who came before me. Having set the bar so high, your art too will be in that shadow. Fear not though! Stickdogs have yet to be perfected, and I invite you to draw them with me! There is nothing more pure, innocent, and beautiful than a good stickdog.

6490: Mashiro Rubi angryking catbread cntrct collab dako jahny luumuke naomi pepperytears question

Mashiro Rubi angryking catbread cntrct collab dako jahny luumuke naomi pepperytears question (800x480, 686.1KB)

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ki: The planks of wood look really nice.
>tfw stuck in a permanent sauna: south florida

6488: angie bah dako fuckbees nigro question semi

angie bah dako fuckbees nigro question semi (800x480, 101.2KB)
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fuckbees: /f/uck bees

6484: me

me (856x2132, 1.6MB)
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cntrct: nice memes :^)

6481: BaconSeal Hero Mashiro Princess Super Tkelli angryking bah big_benis catbread chibiq cleaner cntrct collab dako i_am_kowai jahny kami noir pepperytears question username zico

BaconSeal Hero Mashiro Princess Super Tkelli angryking bah big_benis catbread chibiq cleaner cntrct collab dako i_am_kowai jahny kami noir pepperytears question username zico (800x480, 571.8KB)

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ki: Ahh, happy birthday, Jahny; I hope it was good.
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