
6736: gt leo wut

gt leo wut (800x480, 179.4KB)
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fail: These came out nicely !!

6726: bossu dako nim tagme

bossu dako nim tagme (800x480, 742.8KB)
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HereBeDragons: ah space
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6731: aleidis lynx

aleidis lynx (350x475, 148.1KB)
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Wut: nice maid

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HarduDickuKun: so cute :> <3 <3 <3

6732: cntrct leo

cntrct leo (800x480, 199.0KB)
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Ninjihaku: My drawings suck ass. Or rather, they hear pussy. :D

6727: Princess bossu cntrct luumuke nim

Princess bossu cntrct luumuke nim (800x480, 499.0KB)
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fail: Dat coloring furfag

6708: HereBeDragons drowzeyy fail leo luumuke that_guy

HereBeDragons drowzeyy fail leo luumuke that_guy (800x480, 166.1KB)
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HereBeDragons: 2 real 4 me

6655: bossu fail that_guy

bossu fail that_guy (800x480, 175.4KB)

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Dedzomby: Hot

6670: Princess cancercat cntrct leo luumuke pepperytears sweet_pea

Princess cancercat cntrct leo luumuke pepperytears sweet_pea (800x480, 211.6KB)

showing 10 of 13 comments

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sweetpea: "Also we don't take someone else's space without the author's consent"

he didnt ask, just drew into space den started to ridicule. It was hard for me draw so it took a lot of effort for me to do. U dont kno what went on u wurnt there. Preciate ur input tho
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cntrct: I fucking said that I'm going to erase them after they were there for a while and I said that people are supposed to save it if they want to. You dumb retarded shit are trolling anyway which is obvious by the way you write since no human being with a semi functional brain would write this nonsense and in the way you do
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fail: " just drew into space den started to ridicule"
thats wut hapnd. U didnt say anything bout saving. u said that u would never ask since its "old shit" wen in fact u just moved in as i was drawing. then i came back after u d/c'd me, and continued to ridicule. wats the point in ridiculing? it just makes u look like an incompetent child & u didnt respond to initial question. u talk bout autism so much, u prolly have it. bro thers help for dat
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fail: :)
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cntrct: yes you fucking retarded trolling hoe I said I would never ASK. I warned them/told them I would erase however. but I guess it's impossible for you with your IQ of an newborn kid with trisomy 21 to understand this simple logic
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fail: stay mad my friend

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Vicious23: wow look at all the children coming onto skycow for the summer arguing about shit that doesnt really have an impact on their real lives.

Oh wait thats not children, thats the regular skycow crowd.

What's the difference, am I right?

Thank you, I'll be in main, come find me for more faggotry.
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fail: i luv u 2 bb

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CommonCold: So what I got from this was:
Flock is doomed because there are too many doges on the board.
Rip /f/lock

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sweet_pea: Absolute rubbish

6689: HereBeDragons Hero Super angryking big_benis bossu cancercat fail kami leo luumuke nim rin tagme that_guy wut

HereBeDragons Hero Super angryking big_benis bossu cancercat fail kami leo luumuke nim rin tagme that_guy wut (800x480, 459.5KB)

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CommonCold: This was a lot of fun
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HereBeDragons: So GOOOODDDDD
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That_Guy: Needed a dragon Ball

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sweet_pea: Perhaps next time, I really love how the valefor came out, dem kolurz r sho purdi :33

6686: cntrct

cntrct (807x480, 339.0KB)
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big_benis: great work, I love the fox girl!
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cntrct: thanks :3
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