
7329: fail nii-chan

fail nii-chan (800x480, 75.3KB)

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nim: impressive fail
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Aleidis: i thought fails draw was like 5 different people while it was being made
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fail: @nim t-thank you!

@Aleidis yeah I felt the same way too lolol
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That_Guy: so good
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fail: bb ur güt

7357: big_benis

big_benis (800x480, 80.4KB)
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fail: 5spooky7me

7356: aleidis big_benis genki wut

aleidis big_benis genki wut (800x480, 246.9KB)
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fail: nice gradient

7355: ariana big_benis bossu copycat nim

ariana big_benis bossu copycat nim (800x480, 146.6KB)
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fail: best dog

7352: Honey_Bumblecheese

Honey_Bumblecheese (800x480, 148.2KB)

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ki: sweet colors and effects
(but how can we see shadows in space? is there that much particulate matter here?)
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Honey_Bumblecheese: Because it's not real.
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Honey_Bumblecheese: You should also ask the questions:

"but how can we see nebulae and galaxies so clearly?"

"but how can we see the dark side of these planets and moons?"

"but how can we see stars behind the extremely bright sun"

"but why is the sun pinky"

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ki: i was rekt
though some of those questions are answerable

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attilaWsr: t r a s h a e s t h e t i c


2959: collage luumuke

collage luumuke (800x480, 294.8KB)
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Wut: Dem armors

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029: Feel so heavy ! cool
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harm: holy fuken SHIT

7353: Super furry kami z

Super furry kami z (800x480, 194.7KB)
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fail: dat kyoni

7350: logindialog z

logindialog z (800x480, 617.7KB)

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ki: What a pretty scene.

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z: Thanks ki!
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fail: kyyyyonnniiiiiiiiiiiiiii

7349: ariana

ariana (800x480, 301.6KB)

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z: cute!
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big_benis: so nice O__O

7344: MadFox Princess Super angryking big_benis bossu collab dako fail i_am_kowai kami nii-chan noir pepperytears rin river ro wut

MadFox Princess Super angryking big_benis bossu collab dako fail i_am_kowai kami nii-chan noir pepperytears rin river ro wut (800x480, 395.5KB)

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ki: Ahh, that's pretty.
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