
1888: brackets noir paddles

brackets noir paddles (800x480, 207.5KB)
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Doodle: Nice 3D model Paddles

1911: logindialog nim

logindialog nim (800x480, 25.9KB)

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Anti: You can do better than that nim

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nim: yes well, you know how lazy i am

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Anti: You dont get to use excuses such as that, mister 400 tags. If you die one day from type 2 diabetes we're going to need some good work to remember you by...actually, this picture isnt so bad anymore

1903: brackets cntrct fail wut

brackets cntrct fail wut (800x480, 254.7KB)

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Anti: jesus

1899: non wut

non wut (800x480, 147.4KB)
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Wut: >her mouth

1896: 4242 anti brackets jackass mr.singh sakuramoto

4242 anti brackets jackass mr.singh sakuramoto (800x480, 213.9KB)

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Anti: Not sure, but it looks like a bracket-like signature in the bottom right
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4242: Deletable, a higher quality version with everyone finished has been uploaded

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Anti: Hmph, Mr.Singh still colored it afterwards, so the only one who wasn't finished was you, Mr. 42. But I understand.
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4242: "the only one who wasn't finished was you"
Kind of invalidated the first half of your sentence there, haha.
Fail said his set up wouldn't let him use save. You have the same issue? I mean, everything looks terribly blurry when you save like this and on top of that you get people's cursors on screen.

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Anti: I meant that in your new picture you are finished, but not Mr. Singh. I felt you were implying something, so I meant to say the whole finishing thing was more to- anyway, I understand the blur complaint now. I semi had the same issue, until I learned the proper way to save.

I still didnt know the difference before, buuuuut now I do after comparing your drawing with the blurred drawing. Thanks 4242. : )

1891: ariana gian

ariana gian (800x480, 77.4KB)

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nim: dat cirno

1879: 0 mode7 rowree shiroi

0 mode7 rowree shiroi (800x480, 200.0KB)

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Flappy: :\
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Wut: I approve

1877: collage

collage (800x480, 182.3KB)
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Zed: D'awwww..

1863: 911 waluigi

911 waluigi (800x480, 185.5KB)
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Rorikon: neat

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OneEye: oh this is fucken great

1870: cntrct mode7 nim paddles sakuramoto techsupportdog

cntrct mode7 nim paddles sakuramoto techsupportdog (800x480, 182.4KB)
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Ariana: Hey!, do you have any problem with talking cats?

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nim: wan wan~
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