
4021: jahny

jahny (800x480, 71.3KB)

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moonspurse: Not bad Shiz, but Jahny just went OP.
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Shizuru: Why don't you stop being retarded, for real. because the motive yo are acting like that is even more retarded than you. i just drew shizuru holding leaf boy's hand and you burst in rage. what's your fucking problem, aren't you an adult? stop acting like a kid i'm tired of you.l shut the fuck up
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Shizuru: That's and L that come off with dots sometimes not and i'.
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Shizuru: so many mistype, waking up dealing with autistic kids is pain
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Ninjihaku: Sssssss... relax... take it easy, everyone.
If someone is being a dick, talk to the mods or Admin himself if he's available.
Main is improving a little bit now that the kids are in school, and we don't want it to become another "mudkip swamp" again, right? Let's not loose our cool then.
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fail: I like how you tell moonspurse to stop acting like a kid, due to the bursting into rage thing, made me chuckle quite hard. dat hypocrisy.
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Shizuru: you too stop implying about my fucking past

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ki: >kids are in school
but ninji
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fail: Lol no honey, because it's still relevant (;
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fail: Honestly, if you weren't the same, like you had actually bettered yourself while being offline(i.e. stopped being a rude melodramatric bi-polar attentionwhore), I wouldn't give two shits about you. BUT NOOOOOOOOPE

4030: commonuser

commonuser (800x480, 88.5KB)
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FluxyFlux: i hope to see the finished version :3

4016: commonuser

commonuser (800x480, 178.1KB)
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FluxyFlux: elf samurai too amazing 0-0

4011: attila fluxyflux

attila fluxyflux (800x480, 280.5KB)

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FluxyFlux: you know it

4002: tagme

tagme (800x480, 238.5KB)
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FluxyFlux: l-lewd

3991: Yes catgirl dako mappos vicious23 z

Yes catgirl dako mappos vicious23 z (800x480, 185.8KB)
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Shizuru: wow dako

3959: animation luumuke

animation luumuke (800x480, 211.0KB)

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commonuser: smooth

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ki: Wow, cool stretching/spinning!
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oXero: Well done!
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FluxyFlux: H-how?! Amazing!
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Angie: Great animation Luu! Would love to see more!

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nim: whoa thats intence

3936: Yes angie attilla fluxyflux mappos nim q

Yes angie attilla fluxyflux mappos nim q (800x480, 334.5KB)
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3940: angie mappos nim vicious23

angie mappos nim vicious23 (800x480, 85.7KB)
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FluxyFlux: that smash ball.
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question: that nim tho

3930: Yes nim

Yes nim (800x480, 69.0KB)
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fail: Nim and Yes confirmed for best users evaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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question: my favorite kind of magic. Lessbomancy.
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