Comments ki: Nice whale. >>> ki: touch fluffy tail >>> ki: cute cats and rabbits >>> ki: That nostalgic feeling I hold towards crappy american... >>> ki: naice >>> ki: I think everyone should say everything, but the points... >>> ki: cute snail, cute hamster girl >>> ki: 1. if 2. you 3. could 4. nep 5. a 6. nepper 7. which... >>> ki: dat cow-color design on the dragon ♥ I love... >>> ki: Interesting ovular designs on him. >>> ki: dat knight's situation woops >>> ki: Orthodox iconography is nice. Also, cool fire and... >>> ki: Han characters are p awesome, and both styles I see,... >>> ki: nice birb. Colors are nice >>> ki: Cool gurlz. I like the drawing of the orangey dark... >>> ki: Is the face a little flat? Not sure. >>> ki: tails are cute and soft and fluffy I miss my dogs. >>> ki: AWW YES >>> ki: HAPPY BIRTHDAYっ >>> ki: >>> ki: Collars, huh. I wish I had one, but not a leash. >>> ki: But do they need an adult inside them? >>> ki: nice cat ears >>> ki: lewd dickmonster ♥ >>> ki: >using capslock >>> ki: wow >talking about things privately instead of... >>> ki: you both hilarious as fug >>> ki: wwwww >>> ki: I don't understand why you'd want to delete... >>> ki: sorry ;w; I thought she was in the rain >>> ki: How good is the signal with her antenna? Nice drawing,... >>> ki: cool lighting and lack of lines >>> ki: ; ; >>> ki: Ahhhh, that face. I like the hair and ears a lot too. The... >>> ki: but clothes b fashionable, mang >>> ki: You're pretty good at backgrounds. Also, the shine... >>> ki: I haven't turned my VHS player on in a while. >>> ki: yaff >>> ki: are* >>> ki: Today I learnt squid ears and elf ears at the same. >>> ki: Enola should draw more bolds. The one on the left reminds... >>> ki: wwhat? I didn't draw that purple goat, did I?... >>> ki: dat cat pov This is something not done often enough. >>> ki: dat hbd and tsd and pad >>> ki: Nice doges, interesting skrillex-hair woman >>> ki: gj, padds and fail The lizard is so nice and bright >>> ki: it's full of stars! >>> ki: lewd~ More cute than that tho, with the nice face... >>> ki: o u also mushrooms and hills, noice >>> ki: dem reptiles and squishy marine life hbd also draws... >>> First | Prev | - | Next | Last<< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 >>