Comments fail: I agree ! >>> fail: Ooooo this looks cool >>> fail: Lawl >>> fail: Aww this is cute! >>> fail: Dis iz bootifull >>> fail: Thank you based WUT >>> fail: *tears* >>> fail: beautiful and nostalgic >>> fail: Ayyyy Kiari >>> fail: I love how 0123 painted the background and clouds. >>> fail: These came out nicely !! >>> fail: SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE >>> fail: DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS... >>> fail: Dat coloring furfag >>> fail: LMFAO >>> fail: i luv u 2 bb >>> fail: stay mad my friend >>> fail: It's so beautiful ;___; >>> fail: :) >>> fail: " just drew into space den started to ridicule" thats... >>> fail: Some were scripted, others created by the hammer(or... >>> fail: >>> fail: THE THING >>> fail: That was a fun night >>> fail: This happened about........a month a go or so..Just... >>> fail: That's a rather long clit >>> fail: R.I.P.SWEET PRINCE >>> fail: D'awwww, well thank you for going out of your... >>> fail: WOOO #6000 WOOOOOOOOOOO >>> fail: ;W; >>> fail: D'aaaawwwwwww thank you guys so much ;w; >>> fail: YOU ARE 5EVA IN OUR HEARTS >>> fail: YOU ARE FOREVET IN OUR HEARTS >>> fail: REST IN PEACE >>> fail: A referenced dragon :D >>> fail: You are not ready for the explanation. >>> fail: Ya'll don't understand, especially ki. >>> fail: REST IN PEACE FUN >>> fail: notepad paper >>> fail: I love the details >>> fail: HOLY MOTHER QUESTION, THIS IS SUPURB >>> fail: Z0MG U GELUS >>> fail: CHILI DOGS >>> fail: have eyes, have eyes Who are you to... >>> fail: Also deary, stop sniffing the paint, it fogs ones thought... >>> fail: This is what I have to say to your bait comment: >>> fail: >>> fail: Trumpdisco! >>> fail: For a narrow-minded cunt :) >>> fail: lmao...did you see what I did with it ?? Like... >>> First | Prev | - | Next | Last<< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 >>