Comments z: Thanks fail :D >>> z: Horray! >>> z: Oh my god Mihoshi you are adorable. >>> z: Nice Gorillaz there doodle >>> z: I know I do. >>> z: brown skinned blue haird girls hnnnnng >>> z: He broke my knife! >>> z: comeooonn~ >>> z: I'm glad someone likes them lol. >>> z: i once did this image too in /flockdraw, was fun >>> z: WTF man, stop wiring your battery directly to your... >>> z: Who is Kjoni >>> z: Did someone say Kyoni? >>> z: yes it is wat >>> z: I like that I am actually that girl I draw; it's... >>> z: yep >>> z: Made my night >>> z: everyone/mod has a mask but me :< >>> z: it's also worth mentioning I rarely can come on... >>> z: 2 and 3 are the same. 4 isnt a problem. 1 is a problem.... >>> z: We need more mods who actually stay in the damn board.... >>> z: I was in a different tab for 5 fucking minutes. at... >>> z: oh my god lolling >>> z: that kyoni is so fucking cute HNNNNNNNNNG >>> z: How does unban? >>> z: This was from last night... so quiet :< >>> z: fffffffffffff double post >>> z: I think that was s0ra >>> z: Sorry for the crop, I had to photoshop the thing to... >>> z: <3~ >>> First | Prev | - | Next | Last<< 1 | 2 | 3 >>