
FluxyFlux: daisuki >>>
FluxyFlux: sneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>>
FluxyFlux: top cute <3 >>>
FluxyFlux: Luumuke human trafficking operations. >>>
FluxyFlux: luu loli is life >>>
FluxyFlux: Hey. You're pretty good. >>>
FluxyFlux: cuuuuuuuuuuuute >>>
FluxyFlux: dat penile doe o=o >>>
FluxyFlux: oh gosh that sweater. also mecha luu-chan amazing. >>>
FluxyFlux: tsd-chan is the best waifu >>>
FluxyFlux: teach me how to shade o3o >>>
FluxyFlux: would buy >>>
FluxyFlux: how are such things possible :o pretty amazing :3 >>>
FluxyFlux: >>>
FluxyFlux: sorry for the upload, i didn't see the other one... >>>
FluxyFlux: i hope to see the finished version :3 >>>
FluxyFlux: elf samurai too amazing 0-0 >>>
FluxyFlux: you know it >>>
FluxyFlux: l-lewd >>>
FluxyFlux: H-how?! Amazing! >>>
FluxyFlux: >>>
FluxyFlux: that smash ball. >>>
FluxyFlux: fixed sky if anyone... >>>
FluxyFlux: THOSE LINES! >>>
FluxyFlux: thanks attila <3 >>>
FluxyFlux: but it looks nice :( >>>
FluxyFlux: figure practice >>>
FluxyFlux: 10/10 >>>
FluxyFlux: amazing >>>
FluxyFlux: i was tired as shit when i drew this its shit and... >>>
FluxyFlux: neat >>>
FluxyFlux: mazing >>>
FluxyFlux: dolan = ashley wood with more swag >>>
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